Blog Post #7 Question 3

When the disciples first encounter Jesus on the road to Emmaus, they did not realize that it was him, for “their eyes were prevented from recognizing him” (Luke 24:16). At first, the disciples seemed almost dumbfounded at this man because he had no knowledge of the events that had just occurred in Jerusalem, namely, Jesus’ crucifixion. After the disciples told the story to Jesus and had mentioned that his body was no longer in the tomb, Jesus replied “’Oh, how foolish you are! How slow of heart to believe all that the prophets spoke! Was it not necessary that the Messiah should suffer there things and enter into his glory?’” (Luke 24:25-26). After this, Jesus broke bread for the disciples with a blessing, and they finally realized that it was Jesus that they had been speaking to. Immediately after this realization; however, Jesus vanished.

This fact that even Jesus’ own disciples could not recognize him highlights the fact that Jesus was estranged by his fellow men yet held highly by God. Early followers of Jesus might have include that, even though it took time for the disciples to realize, Jesus still caused them to claim “’Were not our hearts burning [within us] while he spoke to us?” (Luke 24:32). Although Jesus was, indeed, the Rejected Prophet, his words still held to power of God and a holy influence which affected those he preached to. This message would have been very important to early Christians, and even Christians today who still learn from the words of Jesus. 


4 thoughts on “Blog Post #7 Question 3

  1. I think it’s interesting that Jesus’ disciples did not recognize him. I like to think that this is still relevant today, we, Jesus’ followers, do not always recognize him in our day to day lives. We are supposed to see Jesus in everybody but do we always do this? Things to ponder…

  2. I found it particularly interesting as a Catholic that the breaking of the bread (implementation of the Eucharist) was what prompted the disciples to recognize Jesus. Maybe this hints to the idea that the Eucharist should open our eyes to Christ?

  3. The lack of recognition even among Jesus’ closest followers is a common theme across the resurrection appearances in all four of the Gospels. It seems there was clearly a continuity between the earthly Jesus and the risen Jesus, but also such tremendous transformation that people have a hard time making the connection. In Luke’s sequel to the Gospel, the Acts of the Apostles, we encounter the early followers of Jesus gathering on several occasions for “the breaking of the bread” and prayer; this could be a shorthand way of referring to a meal shared in common, but, given the significance of the Emmaus meal and other incidents of people having profound encounters with Jesus at meals in Luke’s Gospel, something more than a regular meal is likely meant.

  4. Interesting how Jesus was, like you said, the rejected prophet, but He also had powerful influence over the men. Gives good support to Luke’s purpose as a whole.

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